BETHEL — Sunday River Ski Resort is taking steps toward installing a gateway sign at the intersection of Route 2 and Sunday River Road, President and General Manager Dana Bullen said.

“The idea of installing a gateway sign at the beginning of Sunday River Road is not just about letting people know about Sunday River, but also about letting people know about the businesses located on that road,” Bullen said. “The sign would have a visual impact for drivers, letting them know that there is something up this road.”

There are several restaurants along the road, as well as a real estate office and a gem and jewelry store, Bullen said.

“The more people that travel down that road, the more potential business there is in the area,” Bullen said.

During the April 14 selectmen meeting, Bullen told the board, “Before I go to MDOT, I wanted to show respect to the town’s fathers and see if I’m on the right path here.”

Town Manager Jim Doar said he found Bullen’s plan for a gateway sign “well laid out” and he didn’t see any problems.


Selectman Don Bennett said that before any gateway sign is placed on Sunday River Road, he would want to give residents a chance to weigh in.

“I think it’d be a little presumptuous of us to install a sign and tell the people, ‘Here’s a gateway sign!’” Bennett said.

Selectman Peter Southam agreed, saying he believes the town should “get the public’s input before we take any steps.”

The sign ordinance the town approved during the 2013 annual town meeting states gateways are “existing, and proposed areas along state and local highways at key entry points to the town of Bethel and Bethel Village that are to be developed and maintained by the town of Bethel and any appropriate organizational partners.”

The ordinance also states that the gateway signs “will be developed and maintained in a manner so as to not adversely affect public health, safety and welfare.”

“From what I can tell so far, we’re heading in the right direction,” Bullen said.

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