BETHEL — Voters will decide whether to buy a plow truck and build a sidewalk when they gather for the annual town meeting at 7 p.m. Wednesday, June 11, at Crescent Park School.

Selectmen Chairman Stan Howe said Tuesday night that the 2014-15 municipal budget is “slightly higher” than this year’s approximately $6 million total.

Among the warrant articles is one asking approval to purchase a truck with plow gear and authorize officials to issue general obligation securities not to exceed $160,000.

Article 6 asks residents to authorize selectmen to enter into an agreement with the Maine Department of Transportation to construct a sidewalk beginning at or near the intersection of Main and Railroad streets, running along Main Street and ending at Main and Cross streets.

Voters are also being asked to accept $23,000 in state funds and raise an additional $5,000 in local funds for the work.

The proposed budget shows an increase for the Planning and Development Department from $34,948 to $59,332.


Ambulance services has a proposed increase of $23,356, while the Recreation Board budget shows an increase of $10,950 and the Town Garage budget an increase of $3,308.

Among the budget items showing a decrease are police services, from $308,900 to $303,000, and the Solid Waste Management program from $399,808 to $354,368.

Residents will also vote on whether to approve a reduced capital improvements budget. During 2013-14, residents approved $569,500. This year it’s $487,900.

Among the capital improvement projects for 2014-15 are reclaiming North Road for $209,000 and a town office copier for $7,000.

Residents will also vote on whether to raise and appropriate $320,195 for employee benefits, an increase of $37,891 from this fiscal year.

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