What would the word “Rangeley” mean to us today, were it not for the beauty in nature that is so abundantly found hereAnd what would this region be like were it not for our unique outdoor heritage that is so deeply woven into the story of this special place? Our angling heritage has played an integral role in what has set Rangeley apart for more than 150 years.
On June 14th the Outdoor Sporting Heritage Museum will open a new exhibit featuring old mounts, drawings, paintings and tracings that have helped to fashion the Rangeley Region’s wonderful history. 
The response from the community for loans and donations of artifacts for this event has been tremendous and some of the background behind these treasures is fascinating.

“Rangeley’s Famous Trout and Salmon” promises to be the most ambitious and exciting event at OSHM since our opening in August 2010. We hope that all will come and learn more about this region’s rich outdoor history.  What a great way to kick off what promises to be the best summer in OSHM’s history. And we owe it all to this fantastic community and all who have so generously supported OSHM and the Rangeley Lakes Region Historical Society. Thank You!

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