PARIS — Residents will be asked to approve $4.13 million in local spending at the annual town meeting Saturday.

The meeting begins at 10 a.m. June 14 in the Paris Fire Station at 137 Western Ave.

The budget is $33,500 less in local spending than last year. Among other reductions, a small cut to the Police Department and substantial savings on the assesors’ valuation fee have been largely offset by a larger share to the school district.

Taxes should remain at the current levels despite the budget cut, because payments to SAD 17 and Oxford County increased to $2.96 million this year.

Paris, which approved the school district’s budget in a 318-207 vote Tuesday, would likely have seen a tax cut if its share to the school district had not increased, Town Manager Amy Bernard previously said.

The Budget Committee and selectmen endorsed the proposed budget.


The costliest items on Saturday’s warrant include $720,919 for the Highway Department, $694,500 in capital expenditures — including $525,000 in road reconstruction — $80,000 for a new plow truck, $12,500 for repairs to the Town Office and $587,382 for the Police Department.

Voters will be asked to appropriate $1.13 million to the general fund to offset the tax rate.

One warrant article asks voters to use $1,800 set aside for a survey of the Cornwall Preserve instead on replacing signs throughout the nature preserve. The 150-acre parcel features two miles of wooded trails.

Partly in anticipation of voter approval, selectmen voted to merge Conversation and Recreation Committees on Monday night to redouble efforts to maintain the preserve.

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