DEAR SUN SPOTS: I used to live in a certain area of Portland and had to vote at City Hall, which I did for many years.

Last year I moved to another apartment building in Portland, which I believe is in another voting district.

Rather than trying to find out where I should vote now and how to get my address on the register in this voting district, can I just continue going down to City Hall on voting day this coming November? If I am asked what my address is, can I just give them my old address?

It would be easier for me to just go back to City Hall than to attempt to get my name and address on a new register. All I want to be able to do is vote. — No Name, Portland

ANSWER: No, you cannot do any of the things you suggest. It would be considered voter fraud and might also cause problems for whoever now lives in your old residence.

But changing your voter registration is not difficult at all. For those with computers (which Sun Spots guesses is not your situation since your letter was handwritten), all the rules are laid out clearly at


You can also find out where you will vote, who your representatives are, etc., very quickly, also online at

Based on the address on your envelope, Sun Spots did it for you and found the following information:

You are now in Ward 2, Precinct 1, and your polling place is Reiche Elementary School, 166 Brackett St., Portland.

You can easily change your address for voting in the new location by either going to City Hall (see address and phone number below) or by mail. The city can send you a voter registration card, which you will fill out with both your old and new addresses, which you then return to City Hall, and — presto — you are all set.

The municipal clerk (who handles voter registration) is Katherine L. Jones, 389 Congress St., Portland, ME 04101, 207-874-8677.

The state tries to make registering to vote as easy as possible. There are many locations where citizens can either pick up a voter registration card or register (such as the Bureau of Motor Vehicles). Voters also can register right up to and on Election Day by going to their town office or city hall.


For those who prefer to register by mail, you need to do so by Oct. 14 (21 days before the general election).

Anyone who chooses can also vote by absentee ballot through the mail. You do not need a reason — it’s a matter of choice. Sun Spots often votes in advance, but this year with the governor’s race so close, she plans to wait until Nov. 4.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: The highlight of the morning paper has always been your column. It has helped me, and no doubt many other readers, answer questions on numerous occasions.

For years I have fished the Little Androscoggin River at Hackett’s Mills below the dam. Three years ago was my best year for catch-and-release brown and rainbow trout, keeping only the required amount of rainbows (around 1.5 pounds). Total catch was 88 for the season. I have fished the bog, Indian Brook and Water House Brook.

The enclosed photo cut from your paper of two brothers, Darien and Logan Dow, fishing below a Minot dam escapes me. I cannot figure out where it was taken. If you could tell me, I would be very interested. It looks like a perfect sand bed to stand on and enjoy. — Mac, Lewiston

ANSWER: Sun Spots checked with photographer Russ Dillingham, who said he took that Labor Day photo on the Little Androscoggin across from Carter’s cross-country ski center.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: In response to a letter that appeared earlier this summer in Sun Spots regarding pickleball in the Lewiston-Auburn area, the Auburn Recreation Department will be running a program at the Hasty Memorial Armory at Pettengill Park from 9 to 11 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays starting on Sept. 23. A nominal fee will be charged.

If you have any interest or wish to participate, contact the Auburn Recreation Department at 207-333-6601 or email Joe Crocker at — Paul Amnott,

This column is for you, our readers. It is for your questions and comments. There are only two rules: You must write to the column and sign your name (we won’t use it if you ask us not to). Please include your phone number. Letters will not be returned or answered by mail, and telephone calls will not be accepted. Your letters will appear as quickly as space allows. Address them to Sun Spots, P.O. Box 4400, Lewiston, ME 04243-4400. Inquiries can also be emailed to

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