This is in response to the letter from Thomas Shields (Sept. 14). In his next to last paragraph, he wrote, “The Democrats trend toward serving their party, whereas the Republicans serve the people.”

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Perhaps he has forgotten that when Barack Obama won his first election for the presidency, even before taking office, the Republicans stated their top priority was to ensure he would not be elected for a second term. So, instead of working for the good of the country, they did everything to stop him from succeeding. In serving their party, they ignored the needs of the people of this great nation.

Of course, the folks who read letters to the editor of the Sun Journal know that once a month there will be another letter from Shields denouncing the Democrats and spewing a bunch of hot air.

He needs to face reality and emerge from his brainwashed ideology of the Republican party.

Richard Jensen, Minot

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