100 years ago, 1914
A bad accident occurred near Poland station Friday morning about ten o’clock. John Schillinger was driving toward E. A. Jordon’s store when his horse became frightened of a handcar. Mr. Schillinger lost control of the horse and the wagon collided with a stone hitch just in front of a residence and threw Mr. Schillinger out. Willing hands brought Mr. Schillinger into the house of F. L. Mayberry, where he was made as comfortable as possible until a doctor arrived. Besides a bad shaking up he has quite a long gash on his scalp. Dr. Roberts was summoned from Poland Springs. At the last report, Mr. Schillinger was quite comfortable.

50 years ago, 1964
It appears the epidemic of hog cholera at Lewiston City Farm has reached its peak and is coming under control, Lewiston Health and Welfare Director Robert Y. Baillargeon said Friday. He reported that no pigs died as a result of the outbreak Friday for the first time since the disease reached serious proportions. The death toll at the City Farm totaled 43 Thursday, with 30 of the pigs dying in December. The disease first broke out at the farm during the middle of November. As soon as the disease was definitely diagnosed, the State Health Department placed a quarantine on the City Farm premises.

25 years ago, 1989
The freezing rain which glazed Twin City streets Friday afternoon and caused a heavy rash of motor vehicle accidents flooded the Auburn Police Department dispatcher’s desk with telephone calls and forced an unusual procedure by Lewiston police. Police headquarters in Lewiston received a call from a State police unit on the Maine Turnpike reporting a motor vehicle accident on Washington Street. Lewiston police attempted to call Auburn police by telephone but got only a continuous busy signal. So the Lewiston deck officer transmitted a message to Auburn police headquarters on the State Police teletype network.

The material in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors made at that time may be edited.

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