DEAR SUN SPOTS: The Mechanic Falls Public Library has been awarded a Libri Foundation Grant that has provided us with 81 new children’s books. As part of introducing the new books to the community we are having an open house on Dec. 29.

One of the activities we are planning is an arm knitting activity for the children. We are seeking donations of yarn for this program.

We will also be starting a fiber group in January, and we could also use yarn, wool roving, knitting needles, crochet hooks, needle felting supplies and other fiber-related craft items for our group.

Our goal is to let people try new fiber crafts to see if they like them before buying a lot of supplies. Donations can be sent to or dropped off at the library on the 3rd floor, 108 Lewiston St., Mechanic Falls.

Thank you in advance! — Connie Cushing Sefcik,, 207-345-9450

DEAR SUN SPOTS: Thank you for your response advising me on what to do on my recent car upholstery mishap (Nov. 15).


I notified the Attorney General’s Office, and they’re sending both me and Norm’s Upholstery shop mediation paperwork.

They also let me know how important paperwork is, regardless of how well you know the person you’re doing business with.

I’ll let you know how things work out. — Paul, Lisbon Falls

ANSWER: Sun Spots called Norm, who said that the new head liner has arrived at his shop and he will be glad to put it in, but that he has been unusually busy since mid-November and hasn’t had the time.

He agreed that he did install the window that leaked, but said that you provided the gasket for the job.

He said that he has been expecting you to call and ask when he will put in the new head liner and that he will do so as soon as he has time.


Most shockingly, Norm had never heard of Sun Spots, although he did willingly answer her questions.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: Thank you for printing my dilemma about my defective sneakers in your Nov. 14 column.

Although you did not do much research, David Chittim was spot-on as to how I read the law in the Maine Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Law Guide on the Implied Warranty of Merchantability Law. The law applies to all Maine residents and merchandise they purchase.

I showed the column to Maine State Prison administrators, but got no satisfaction.

That being said, I haven’t worn my sneakers since August when I started to try and resolve this issue. I could not in good faith send my sneakers to Skechers or Keefe. What proof would I have then if they just kept them? I’ll need them in court.

Thanks again to you and David. Respectfully. — Thomas May, Warren


ANSWER: You do realize that it will probably cost you more to go to small-claims court than what you paid for the sneakers? And getting there is just half the battle. Once in court you will have to show that the sneakers are defective and not just worn out. Fair or not, the fact that you bought the sneakers while in prison is also bound to affect your case.

While Sun Spots is certainly humbled that she needed to be corrected, albeit kindly and with humor, by David as to the ins and outs of consumer protection, she stands by her original assessment that you are probably out of luck, but that you have little to lose by sending the shoes to Skechers with a very nice note, explaining why you could not return the shoes within the 45-day return limit.

Finally, Sun Spots would like to explain that she had to edit your letter to eliminate some statements you made, as verifying them or getting a response from the other parties are beyond the scope of this column. Any time a reader complains about an individual, organization, company, government office, etc., Sun Spots always gives them a chance to respond before publishing those statements.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: In response to the person who was worried that the newspaper carrier wasn’t getting his tip (Dec. 11), why not give it directly to him?

Put the money or check in a thank-you or Merry Christmas card. I have done it that way for many years, That makes sure they get what they have earned. Not an easy job, they earn every tip and then some.

You might also add a box of homemade cookies! — No Name via email

This column is for you, our readers. It is for your questions and comments. There are only two rules: You must write to the column and sign your name (we won’t use it if you ask us not to). Please include your phone number. Letters will not be returned or answered by mail, and telephone calls will not be accepted. Your letters will appear as quickly as space allows. Address them to Sun Spots, P.O. Box 4400, Lewiston, ME 04243-4400. Inquiries can also be emailed to

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