DEAR DR. ROACH: The recent column “Don’t be too shy or afraid to talk to your doctor” does not tell the whole story. I am insured through work with commercial insurance. When I went for my recent annual physical, I was advised that any issues other than routine could or would result in additional charges. I have heard this before, but they had never done it. This time, I had a couple of concerns to discuss with my doctor. When I got the billing statement, I was charged $170 for another “visit” concurrent with my annual physical. I am livid! How does that encourage people to freely discuss any areas of concern? I assume that my doctor has set aside a certain amount of time to examine me, for a certain fee. Why should I pay extra for doing the very thing you are (rightfully) encouraging? This is just so wrong. Your thoughts? — K.B.

ANSWER: I agree with you completely that is just so wrong, and on several levels. Let me try to explain as best I can what may have happened.

Insurance companies encourage an annual physical, and they typically do not charge a co-pay for this kind of visit. The theory is that you will go over healthy behaviors, and your doctor will recommend preventive-care maneuvers, such as vaccines, colonoscopy, etc. The insurance company evaluates these visits to be sure physicians are performing appropriate screening tests and documenting that they are recommending healthy behaviors.

However, often people want to discuss a symptom that has been bothering them at the same time. If the physician notes this, the insurance companies question whether the visit was really about health and wellness, and may refuse to pay for the visit. The physician thus has three options: First, he or she can do the annual physical and discuss any symptoms, and bill for an annual physical. This may feel rushed. Second, do both and bill as a regular, problem-based visit. The patient now has to pay the co-pay. Third, the physician can do both the preventive care and evaluate your symptoms, and bill for both visits. The patient still has to pay the co-pay for the problem-based visit.

In your case, it sounds like your insurance company is billing you the entire problem-based visit. This makes no sense to me. At worst, you should have had to pay your co-pay for what seemed to be your “free” annual physical. This sounds like a mistake (I hesitate to use the word “fraud”) that needs to be disputed, in writing, with your insurance company.

Finally, it is wrong that I have to get trained on how to understand insurance billing when what I really want to do is take care of patients. That’s what I thought I was signing up for when I went to medical school.


DEAR DR. ROACH: My 23-year-old son is a bodybuilder, and much to my dismay, he takes steroids. I know he takes testosterone, and I don’t know what else. How will this affect him? — Anon.

ANSWER: Testosterone has many bad long-term effects, and he really should stop it. As a resident, I took care of a seemingly very healthy, very muscular 30-year-old man with terrible heart failure due to a heart attack. Many similar reports have led to suspicion that steroids taken for bodybuilding increase risk of heart attack and even sudden death. There appear to be many other long-term effects, including neuropsychiatric effects of anger and aggressive behavior. They also may reduce sperm count and affect fertility.

I don’t know what else he may be taking, but I would strongly urge him to evaluate all supplements carefully.

READERS: Questions about breast cancer and its treatment are found in the booklet on that subject. To obtain a copy, write: Dr. Roach — No. 1101, Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. Enclose a check or money order (no cash) for $4.75 U.S./$6 Can. with the recipient’s printed name and address. Please allow four weeks for delivery.

Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to or request an order form of available health newsletters at P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. Health newsletters may be ordered from

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