The president and CEO of Auburn Manufacturing Inc., Kathie Leonard, shared company with Sen. Angus King, I-Maine, Tuesday night for the State of the Union address in Washington, D.C.

“I am honored to have Kathie as my guest for the State of the Union,” King said in a news release. “Manufacturing has always been an engine of economic growth and prosperity, providing good jobs for the middle class in Maine and across the country.

“Kathie’s story of hard work, innovation and perseverance is a blueprint for how American producers can compete in an increasingly global marketplace — she has managed to keep jobs here in the U.S., and under her steadfast leadership, AMI has proven that manufacturing can thrive in Maine, ” King said.

Leonard co-founded the company that provides high-temperature textiles to the petroleum, shipbuilding/repair, power generation and metal-making industries.

She is the sole owner of the business that employs over 50 workers at its locations in Auburn and Mechanic Falls.

Leonard said, “It’s a thrill of a lifetime to attend this important event, and to be recognized as a contributor to the U.S. economy by Sen. King.


“Long before coming to Washington, his reputation as a visionary leader was well known in Maine,” Leonard said. “He understands how important a strong U.S. manufacturing base is to our nation’s stability.

“I’m proud to know him and to have lived and worked in the state of Maine for over 35 years — proof that quality of life and business success are compatible,” she said.

After the address, Leonard spoke of dinner prior to the president’s speech where she met “quite a few of the senators,” hobnobbing with King and Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine.

“They seek him out,” Leonard said of King, “this guy loves people.”

Commenting on President Barack Obama’s message, Leonard said, “I thought it started out on a very good note.” She praised Obama’s ability to accentuate the good that has happened in the past four years.

“We don’t hear that very much,” Leonard said, finding a list of positives a good starting point.


As a businesswoman, Leonard said she perked up when Obama began talking about free trade agreements. Being in the export business, she knows the good and bad that can come from such policies.

“There’s a lot of enforcements that need to take place with free trade,” Leonard said, “(like in the NFL) you need referees.”

Leonard said she spent a very exciting but long day in Washington but was glad she was chosen to attend and represent Auburn Manufacturing at the State of the Union address.

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