Wales Grange to meet for game night

WALES — On Saturday, Feb. 21, Wales Grange No. 40 will meet for a regular meeting at the Grange Hall for Game Night at 7:30.

The Grange hall is on Centre Road, which is 1.5 miles off Route 132.

After the meeting, members will play assorted board and card games while enjoying potluck refreshments.

For more information, contact lecturer Steven Haycock at 998-2586 or by email at

NARFE chapter to meet Feb. 24


LEWISTON — The Lewiston Chapter 1804 of the National Association of Retired Federal Employees will meet at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 24, at the Ramada Inn.

A social time will be followed by lunch at noon and the business meeting.

Weston A. Price chapter to discuss food

LEWISTON — The local chapter of the nonprofit Weston A. Price Foundation meets at 6 p.m. on the first Monday of each month at Community Concepts, 175 Blake St.

The organization educates the public on nutrient-dense foods and wise traditions.

For more information, call 225-6125 or visit

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