PHILLIPS — Road Commissioner Ward Bredeau told selectmen Tuesday night that the department’s budget and equipment are in relatively good shape, considering the amount of snow and frigid temperatures this winter.

“We’re in better shape than last year,” he said.

Employees haven’t experienced the problems with ice buildup they had last winter, so the budget and equipment both are in relatively good shape, he said.

Although the plow crew has seen a lot of snow this year, the departments has not had to dip into the overtime budget, Bredeau said. Roads have been plowed quickly, he said.

Bredeau said he has started to prepare a budget for the June town meeting and expects road repair costs will continue to be a big part of his annual request.

Selectmen set the annual town meeting for 6 p.m. Thursday, June 18, at the Phillips Area Community Center.


Last year’s Saturday meeting was an attempt to draw more voters. Municipal officials got feedback that Saturdays were not a good choice, because area residents like to have that day with family or do chores.

The Public Works Department, the Fire Department and the transfer station need to present the Budget Committee with their requests for the coming year, selectmen noted.

“There is no more wish list,” Board of Selectmen Chairman Lincoln Haines said. “There are no more wishes left in the genie’s bottle.”

Fire Chief Jim Gould has requested a meeting at 6 p.m. Tuesday, March 3, with selectmen to discuss the proposed plan for an addition to the fire station.

Selectmen and Town Manager Elaine Hubbard have authorized Gould to develop a design. 

Gould said more space is needed, because firefighters can barely open vehicle doors without hitting others. Also, there is little to no room for training and equipment storage.

Gould has said replacement firetrucks will be larger than the older vehicles. There is room to build two bays at the end of the building near NorthStar’s ambulance shed, he said, and the addition would not interfere with that structure.

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