DEAR SUN SPOTS: I would like pictures of or articles about Paine Products’ original manufacturing plant which I understand burned down many years ago. I would be more than happy to pay for any photos or information about the original plant. I don’t have email so you could mail the photos or call me at 269-207-6629. Much appreciated, thank you. — Woody Byers, 3340 East T Ave., Portage, MI 49002.

ANSWER: For readers who are not familiar with Paine Products, the local company manufactures incense cones and fragrant balsam-filled products such as draft stops, pillows, bags, and hot pads, as well as small log cabins for holding the burning incense.

The company was established in 1931 by Eliott Paine and though the company changed hands and moved its location several times after his death, the name Paine has remained.

Sun Spots has a Sun Journal article to send to Woody that was published the day after a fire destroyed the Paine Incense Co. plant on Middle Street in Lewiston on May 8, 1989. The photo with the article shows a pile of charred remains. Hopefully a reader will contact and be able to provide Woody with photos of the building before the fire. Today, Paine Products is located on Kittyhawk Avenue in Auburn.

Sun Spots will also send Woody an article titled “River views: Smells of Christmas came from Lewiston plant” written by David Sargent for the Sun Journal and published on Dec. 17, 2012, in which he writes about the history of Paine Products. Readers can find that article online in Sun Journal’s archives.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: I recently read about a “Difficult Pet Support Group” that is in Portland, Oregon. From the blog “Notes from a Dog Walker” by Jessica Dolche: “It is a monthly peer-to-peer support group for people loving and living with a difficult pet. Their first goal is to provide a safe, supportive space for people with difficult pets to vent and brainstorm about management techniques. The second is to help the owners feel worthy of being a pet guardian. The assumption is that being around others who understand the plight is helpful and makes people feel empowered in their relationship with their pet. All of this leads into our final goal, which is to strengthen the bond between people and their pets and therefore keep pets in their homes.”

Three weeks ago, I adopted a sweet, but troubled rescue dog who had been abandoned and abused. We are doing lots of training and learning, but it is a steep learning curve and I sure would like to meet with others who have had the same experience. Please contact me if you would like to help start such a group in Lewiston/Auburn, if you have the skills to facilitate and offer resources, or know of a location to meet. Thanks! Call 207-786-7468. — K.T. via website submission form.

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