Wilton Childhood Center sets auction

WILTON — The annual Wilton Early Childhood Center auction will be held Friday, April 10, at the G.D. Cushing School in Wilton.

Items can be viewed starting at 6 p.m and Adrian Harris will begin the live auction at 6:30 p.m.

There more than 70 items on the list including quilts, an autographed Red Sox baseball, a stay at a home in Rangeley, Scentsy items, a large variety of gift baskets, tickets to the Portland Sea Dogs, tickets to Storyland and much more.

There will be a bake sale during the auction as well as a gift certificate table where gift certificates donated by many very supportive area businesses can be purchased at face value.

For more information, call Amy Eustis at 207-671-4039.


Homemakers set planning meeting

CHESTERVILLE — The North Chesterville Extension Homemakers will meet at  7 p.m. Thursday, April 16, at the Chesterville Town Office.

The meeting will be led by Glenda Barker and will be devoted to planning the Franklin County Extension Homemakers spring meeting and making decorations, table favors, etc. All meetings are free and the public is invited. For more information, call 778-3156

Storytellers slate monthly meeting

FARMINGTON — The monthly meeting of the Western Organization of Dedicated Storytellers Storytelling Guild will be held from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, April 16, at the Farmington Public Library on Academy Street in Farmington. Anyone interested in storytelling is welcome. Telling is optional.

Opportunity Center sets workshop


WILTON — The Maine Educational Opportunity Center will conduct a free workshop, “Essentials of College Planning,” for adults 19 and older at 10 a.m. Thursday, April 16, at Wilton Career Center, 865 U.S. Route 2E.

The free interactive workshop outlines the four steps in the college process: admissions, financial aid, career planning and study skills.

The workshop will last two to three hours. Pre-registration is required. To register or for more information, call 1-800-281-3703 or visit meoc.maine.edu.

Dance April 18 at Amvets post

JAY — A dance will take place from 7 to 11 p.m. Saturday, April 18, at Amvets Post No. 33, Rt. 4.

Music will be provided by Cowboy Billy and Melinda Liberty. There is no cover and members and guests are welcome. For more information, call 897-4112.


Legion resumes bingo in Kingfield

KINGFIELD — The American Legion at 62 School St. will resume Bingo on Saturday, April 18.

Supper at American Legion planned

LIVERMORE FALLS — George Bunten Post 10, American Legion, will hold a supper from 4:30 to 6 p.m. on Saturday, April 18, at the hall at 17 Reynolds Ave.

Cost for adults is $7; kids under 12, $4. Menu includes homemade baked beans, red hot dogs, biscuits, fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, assorted casseroles and vegetables, desserts and coffee.

Delivery is available to local addresses. For more information, contact Jocelyn Mosher-Collins, adjutant, at 779-7345.


Daughters if Isabella meet

JAY — The Daughters of Isabella 677 from St. Rose of Lima in Jay recently held their monthly business meeting.

The meeting came to order at 6:45 p.m. Gina Labbe spoke about the Daughters Mass which will be held at the 8:30 a.m. Mass. Any Daughters wishing to join the Mass should call Gina.

Next item on the agenda was the May 2 yard sale. It was voted that no clothing, microwaves or televisions will be accepted for the yard sale. Anyone wishing to bring in items for the yard sale can bring them to the parish hall from noon to 6 p.m. Friday, May, 1.

Some of the proceeds from the baked bean supper the Daughters held on March 7 will help the Tri-Town Fuel Fund.

Retired educators emerge for meeting

STRONG — The Franklin County Retired Educators will emerge from the receding snow pack at 11 a.m. Monday, April 20. The educators will meet at the White Elephant Restaurant in Strong at 11 a.m. to greet friends, share tales of the winter past and eat a delicious lunch.

The formal program will be with Jenna Mehnert talking about issues related to mental health.

Members wishing to contribute to the Franklin County door prize basket at the May state convention in Augusta should bring items for the theme of “Refresh Yourself in Franklin County” to this meeting.

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