KINGFIELD — Elementary school students will be offered an opportunity to have fun and exercise through a pilot after-school physical education program.

Selectmen heard at their Monday night meeting from Angela Norton and Paula Norcutt, who requested they act as the fiscal agent for the Kingfield Elementary School program. Norton serves as the physical education program coordinator for the Healthy Community Coalition of Greater Franklin County.

Norton said a federal grant will fund the five-week recreation program. Norcutt will supervise the activities, which will begin after school vacation week and run until the first of June, Norton said.

Since the Kingfield Recreation Department has fewer volunteers, the selectmen would be authorized to receive program funds that will pay expenses.

“We’re hoping you could help us,” Norcutt told selectmen.

The PEP program goals include increasing children’s daily physical activity, increasing their consumption of fruits and vegetables and improving their physical education and nutrition education curriculum.


The grant funds include programs for Mt. Blue Regional School District, Regional School Unit 58 and Flagstaff RSU. Norcutt said she also hopes to spark renewed interest in the town’s inactive Recreation Department, which has depended on volunteer efforts in the community.

“We’re working very hard on recruiting people for that right now,” she said.

Selectmen agreed to support the request, and Norton will provide Administrative Assistant Leanna Targett with an anticipated budget for the program.

In other news, Board of Selectmen Vice Chairman Mervin Wilson announced that Brad Orbeton and Brian Hatfield have announced intentions to run for an open selectman’s seat. Wilson said he will not run for a third term. Elections will be held at the June town meeting.

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