I noticed letters to the editor claiming preference for respective political parties. I support the two-party system, knowing that when elected officials work together there are better outcomes, with comprehensive representation. However, facts should carry some weight in identifying the best administrators.

First, federal facts, followed with Maine facts.

The past four Republican presidents, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan and both Bush presidents left America with massive debt, mostly from the cost of their wars, but also massive tax cuts for the wealthy. The longest war in U.S. history is George W. Bush’s legacy. Under Bill Clinton’s administration there was a surplus in the coffers (until Bush got his hands on it).

Against all odds, Barack Obama pulled America out of the worst recession ever, despite the efforts of most Republicans. Obama pulled this country out of two wars that brought death and maimed the nation’s youth, and cost billions of dollars a month.

Maine’s current governor has made a mockery of democracy; his administration is a joke. He claims to be fiscally conservative but he has wasted more money than any governor in Maine history.

He pretends he cares about Maine’s elderly but, in every budget he has put forward, he has attempted to end Drugs for the Elderly, QUIMBY and SLIMBY (Medicare offset programs for low-income seniors to help pay for their Medicare Part B).

Shame on Gov. Paul LePage for his disgraceful disrespect and bullying of others and his underhanded business practices.

Margaret Craven, Lewiston

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