KINGFIELD — Residents will decide Thursday whether to file a petition with Regional School Unit 58 and the Maine Department of Education to withdraw from the four-town district.

Polls will be open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. July 16 at Webster Hall.

The ballot question also asks whether to allow a withdrawal committee to spend up to $20,000 from surplus, if needed, to pay any associated costs of leaving the district.

Selectmen received a citizens’ petition asking that the municipality communicate with the Maine Department of Education to bring the issue before voters. The board held an informational session June 25 and a public hearing July 6.

At last week’s public hearing, resident Felecia Pease, principal of Strong Elementary School, said voters should understand the financial commitment the town might have to make. She also asked that voters give Superintendent Susan Pratt a chance to work on those issues that have caused such turmoil before making a quick decision.

Selectmen stress that the July 16 vote is not a decision to leave the district. If voters approve further exploration of options, selectmen must appoint a committee to communicate with the Department of Education. A four-member committee must include a municipal officer, a member from the general public, a member from the group filing the original citizens’ petition, and a Kingfield director on the RSU 58 board.

Other towns in the district are Avon, Phillips and Strong.

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