NORWAY — Emily Ecker, LCSW and Polarity Therapist will present “Energy Medicine for Your Health: An Introduction to Polarity Therapy” from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 14, at First Universalist Church of Norway (Unitarian-Universalist), 479 Main St. 

This workshop will include an overview about energy medicine, including what it is and how it fits into the 21st Century health care system, teaching about the energy medicine modality called Polarity Therapy and its benefits for supporting our health and well-being.

Polarity Therapy works to restore balance and wholeness by utilizing gentle touch to direct the body’s healing energy to specific areas in the body. Benefits include relief from chronic health issues, maintaining wellness, energy and focus and strengthening the immune system.

Throughout the workshop, Ecker will integrate this information with take home self-care techniques including the Polarity Pathway, called the Star Sathway, which can bring relaxation, balance and a greater sense of well-being.

There is no charge to attend the workshop.

FMI: 207-743-2828, 207-357-9954,

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