DEAR DR. ROACH: I drink a lot of coffee, about 80 ounces per day. I feel no ill effects and have no stomach discomfort, but my wife says water is better. A kidney specialist basically said, “fluid is fluid” and that as long as I am hydrated, coffee is fine. With studies showing that coffee has antioxidants and reduces certain cancers, what should I do? — M.K.

ANSWER: People with long memories may recall that in the early 1980s, coffee was linked to an increased risk of pancreatic cancer. However, the study has become a textbook example of poor design, and further studies have suggested that coffee drinking may be associated with lower risk of breast, prostate and oral cancers. I wouldn’t recommend drinking coffee just for this reason, as the effect size, if it really exists, is pretty small.

As far as hydration goes, your kidney specialist is completely right. The caffeine in regular coffee is perceived as a diuretic (a substance that makes you urinate excessively), but that turns out to be myth as well, at least in regular coffee drinkers.

One potential ill effect of caffeine is that it minimally decreases calcium absorption. However, this amounts to the equivalent of calcium in a tablespoon or two of milk, so it is unlikely to affect overall calcium balance significantly.

Eighty ounces of coffee is a lot of caffeine, and some people will get jittery or have sleep disturbances. It also can have variable effects on gut motility (that’s a delicate way of saying that it commonly causes diarrhea, but it also can cause constipation). All that said, if you aren’t having any ill effects from drinking so much coffee, coffee is fine — though I still think that, as your wife says, water is better for many people.

DEAR DR. ROACH: The problem is that I am losing my hair. I am a 63-year-old gal in relatively good health who walks for exercise, eats a healthy, balanced diet and takes a pill each day to manage cholesterol and blood pressure. I do not have a thyroid problem, nor do I have diabetes. My dermatologist told me I do not have alopecia, as some of my siblings do. Instead, he suggested that my hair loss — and specifically the thinning of the hair on top of my scalp — is due to heredity; male pattern baldness runs through both sides of my family.


So here’s the question: Is it safe and/or effective to take 5,000 mcg of over-the-counter biotin supplements to lessen the effect of hair loss, or is this product ineffective and just being pushed on women by pharmaceutical and vitamin manufacturers to increase sales and profits, and to manipulate the consumer into believing that this expensive vitamin product is essential to our well-being? Thank you. — C.W.R.

ANSWER: Biotin has been studied for both male pattern and female pattern baldness, and has had limited success, especially when combined with other vitamins and nutritional supplements (60 percent effectiveness versus 11 percent in one placebo-controlled trial). It might be worth a try, since it is very safe.

As far as expense goes, I found biotin tablets for 6 cents each at an online retailer. It certainly isn’t essential to well-being; in fact, with a healthy diet, I believe no supplement is essential. Vitamin and supplement manufacturers may try to make you think supplements are essential, but there is no good evidence for this. Taking it to try to improve a problem like male-pattern baldness is reasonable, but if it doesn’t help significantly, save your money.

Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to or request an order form of available health newsletters at 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803. Health newsletters may be ordered from

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