DIXFIELD — For the eighth consecutive year, Barbara Lane and her elf minions will gather Friday and Saturday to help raise donations to benefit a pair of local food pantries.

Volunteers helping with the drive will be set up for collection from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Friday in the parking lot of Log Cabin Craftworks in Dixfield, and on Saturday during the same hours, collections will be taken at the Peru Fire Station.

At the end of the day on Saturday, volunteers will divide the food and cash donations evenly to the Dixfield Common Food Pantry and the Servant’s Heart Food Pantry of Peru.

Lane said that each year, they request that people donate $5 or five nonperishable items for the pantries. In exchange, she has designed 200 T-shirts commemorating the drive to be given out on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Each year, Lane creates a different design for the event. This year, in a tribute to her late father, the design is a lantern and a train, which were two of his favorite things. The design also says “Merry Christmas” and “Peace and Joy.”

“My mom (Elizabeth) has once again created a complete outfit for an American Girl-style doll that will be raffled off during the drive. Anyone wishing to take a chance can be assured that their donations are going to the pantries, too,” she noted.


Lane said that this event is not about her, but is a tribute to her parents, “two of the most giving people I’ve ever known.”

“I’m so thankful to people who have given in the past,” she said. “Last year was my best year ever. I’m also anxious to see new people. Thank you to the people who help me. You have no idea how good this makes me feel.”

Among the “elves” assisting during the drive, beside Lane’s mom, will be her cousin, Norine Clark, as well as friends from Peru, Ellsworth and Burnham.


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