“Nellie the Circus Elephant packed her trunk and said goodbye to the circus. Off she went with a trumpety trump, trump trump trump.”

That’s from a children’s song by Mandy Miller. I can’t think of a more appropriate theme song for Donald Trump’s campaign circus, especially since it is a child’s song, and the Trumpster’s circus is an elementary school playground.

A more perfect example cannot be found than Tom Hart’s line (March 3) regarding Trump’s terror of Fox newswoman Megyn Kelly: “People have to remember, she started it.” That’s the kind of thing my daughter said when she was eight and got into a spat with a friend.

Seriously? That’s best you can do?

And if the Trumpster is afraid of female journalists, then what’s he going to do when Vladimir Putin upsets him? Call him a loser? Refuse to face him? Nuke him? (The Trumpster’s finger on the nuclear trigger should give nightmares to any rational American.)

I don’t understand how any of this nonsense will “Make America great again.” We were never made up of schoolyard bullies and their toadies (speaking of toadies, some enterprising journalist is sure to dig up some shady deals between the Trumpster and his biggest toady, Chris Christie).

Yup, a billionaire megalomaniac with a messianic complex (is he the Anti-Christ?) who cares only about himself is going to make this nation “great” again?

If you believe that, I have some ocean-front property in Nebraska I’ll sell cheap.

Andrew Hall, Lewiston

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