AUGUSTA (AP) — Republican U.S. Sen. Susan Collins says she’s open to voting for presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton over Republican frontrunner Donald Trump — but admits it’s unlikely.

Collins made the comment in a tweet posted Thursday, days after she called on Trump to apologize for questioning the credibility of the federal judge of Mexican heritage presiding over a lawsuit against Trump University.

The senator says Trump’s comments were “absolutely unacceptable” and demonstrated “a lack of respect for the judicial system and the principle of separation of powers.”

Trump has since said his comments were “misconstrued.”

Collins’s tweet followed her interview with “I do not anticipate voting for Hillary this fall,” Collins told reporter Jay Newton-Small. “This race has been so unpredictable with so many twists and turns in the road that it is very difficult to predict what is going to happen. But I do not anticipate casting my vote for Hillary.”

But Collins has criticized Clinton, too, and has stopped short of disavowing Trump or refusing to vote for him.

UPDATE: Hillary Rodham Clinton to hit Donald Trump on women’s issues

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