AUBURN — Androscoggin Home Care & Hospice recently presented the Robert D. Turcotte Award to three individuals at spring volunteer recognition events in Auburn, Farmington and Bridgton.
The award is presented in honor of Robert Turcotte, an Auburn resident who was treasurer of the nonprofit’s board of directors from 1978 until his death in 1982.
2016 recipients include:
Leo Savard of Lewiston has been volunteering since April 2013. He has visited with 33 patients and families in AHCH’s Hospice, Bereavement and Home Care programs, as well as hundreds of patients at the Hospice House and Togus VA Medical Center. Savard helped launch the We Honor Veterans program, and has performed over 40 pinning ceremonies. He volunteers almost every day of the week and on his days off, he often visits Hospice House residents who may not be visited by friends or family. He also volunteers in the Hospice House kitchen on special holidays and attends fundraising events that support the agency.
Stephanie Upton of Auburn has been volunteering since May 2010. She volunteers every Wednesday at the Hospice House, providing patient support. She knows how to approach patients and their families by listening and spending time with them to make them feel at home. She helps in the kitchen, with laundry, delivering meals, cleaning closets and anything else the staff may need. Upton has also made home visits to patients. She also has ensured that staff who were dealing with a family members in the hospice program were supported by visiting with their family member.
David Blocher of Litchfield has been a volunteer since October 2008. In that time, he has visited with 39 patients and families. He showed his true commitment when he visited with a patient for three years as the patient went from Home Care to Compass Care to Hospice Care. Blocher, a veteran himself, performed a special pinning ceremony for a veteran patient. He also spoke at the funeral per the request of the granddaughter. Blocher has been singing as part of the Androscoggin Harmony Choir for hospice patients and helped to establish the volunteer program with the Togus VA Medical Center.
In addition to the Turcotte Award presentation, volunteers were recognized for their years of service milestones.
Ten-year service awards were presented to Amanda Labonte, Bob Oliver and Sandy Oliver. Fifteen-year service awards were presented to Dianne Massey, Maggie Pelletier and Adriann Tucker.
Anne Behnke was the recipient of the 30-year award, which is also the record.
Asked what she loves most about volunteering, Behnke said, “The gift of being with patients and families. Working with wonderful staff and volunteers. I get so much in return.”
FMI: 207-777-7740, ext. 1407,
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