WESTBROOK — The giant snake on the loose in Westbrook could be a very large rate snake — not a python as first thought.

The snake was first spotted months ago, and police say over the weekend, someone found the skin of a large snake in the woods along the bank of the Presumpscot River.

Westbrook Police laid the snakeskin out end-to-end and measured it. Turned out it was 12 feet, 1 inch long.

Westbrook’s Mayor says they sent photos and a sample of the snakeskin to an expert at the University of Texas, who says he believes Wessie could be a rat snake, not a phython. He says rat snakes are harmless to humans unless cornered.

That doesn’t comfort people who use the park. Police have warned them to keep a close eye on children and pets.

Anya Belmach brought her 18-month-old son to Riverbank Park, not realizing a large snake might be on the loose. “It’s dangerous,” Belmach said. “It’s definitely dangerous. But I wish it will be caught.”

Police say dozens of people have tried to find Wessie. Now, they’ve called in an expert.

“There’s going to be a crypto zoologist that comes out in the next couple of weeks, and he said he’s going to look at it maybe with some thermal-imaging camera,” Capt. Sean Lally said.

Part of the skin has been sent off DNA testing to determine the exact species. Testing will be complete in a few weeks.

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