NORWAY – Many Norway voters Tuesday afternoon shared a common sentiment after leaving the voting booth at the Norway Fire Station Tuesday afternoon: “I’m glad that it’s over.”

As of 3:30 p.m., more than 1,300 people had voted.

“Hopefully, we can focus more on dealing with the aftermath of the election and whoever gets elected,” said Lindley Edwards, 26. “Either way, I think the country needs to start looking forward.”

Edwards said she has noticed people being much more argumentative and aggressive toward each other regarding politics, especially on Facebook.

“We’re just going to have to live with the results, regardless of who’s elected,” she added.

Barb Kozak agreed with Edwards, adding that while she hopes people can reconcile with one another after the election is over and that things can calm down, she’s “not sure it’s going to happen.”

“I’m tired of the (advertisements) and the arguing,” Kozak said.

Kozak noted she was hesitant to share who she was voting for because of the volatility of this year’s election.


  • All-day coverage from across Maine and the nation at
  • All election stories will be free to read
  • Live local, statewide and national results and video on, Facebook and Twitter throughout the night
  • Complete roundup in Wednesday’s print edition

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