Just after 3 a.m., ballots showed voters wanted to legalize recreational marijuana use in Maine.

With 503 precincts of 589 reporting, 330,193 Mainers had voted in favor of the referendum, 323,700 against, according to The Associated Press.

Lewiston voters came out against the question in a vote of 8,652 to 8,287.

Auburn also narrowly voted it down, 5,992 to 5,871.

David Boyer, who has led the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol in Maine, said he was on pins and needles watching results roll in.

“We knew it was going to be a coin flip and we’re going against 80 years of government hyperbole about the harm of marijuana; that’s not nothing,” Boyer said. “We’re cautiously optimistic that we’ll pull through as more (precincts) report.”


Question 1 would allow the possession and use of up to 2.5 ounces of marijuana for people 21 and over.

The proposal has been criticized as having a potential negative impact on children.

Supporters have lauded it as a way to raise tax dollars and increase regulation.



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