100 years ago, 1917
Auburn business men are wondering why the repairing of Main street, near Court street, has not been continued. The work has been left and taken up lower down on the street. Men of good judgment say that it would be better to do continuous work on a street as far as possible instead of building a spot here and a spot there. Goff street is being practically rebuilt for the third time in as many years.

50 years ago, 1967
Members of Senior Girl Scout Troop 304 are busy making preparations for a trip to Expo ’67 at Montreal, an event they have worked toward for several years with various fund raising activities. The eighteen girls and their adult supervisors leave at 7 o’clock Monday morning by chartered bus and will return home late Friday night. They will make their headquarters at the Hotel Charteline and, in addition to Expo, the Scouts will be taken on a tour of the city.

25 years ago, 1992
Those attending the first of a series of four meetings on Lewiston’s recreational facilities displayed some hope in the face of substantial renovations to make these areas safer and more accessible. Many also expressed concern over what they viewed was a negative image that some hold for Lewiston, which they said could prevent positive change. “I’m sick of hearing the negative rap Lewiston always gets,” said Jerry DerBoghosian, member of a focus planning committee. “It is time to hear the positive. I feel safer now. I feel like I can leave my car unlocked near Kennedy Park.”

The material in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors made at that time may be edited.

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