Finally, Maine and the nation are seeing leadership, and that leadership has two names: The senators from Maine — Susan Collins and Angus King. They correctly represented the people’s wish to leave Americans with access to health care.

It is the belief that health and wellness is an opportunity for individuals to live well with a good quality of life. It is a belief that if we smartly care for people before they develop severe chronic conditions, we may curb the high expenses of health care.

Unfortunately, Bruce Poliquin, elected representative from Maine, is not a leader that I want to have in Congress. People may remember that he voted for a bad health care bill that would deny millions of people to access health care.

Then we heard from another elected official about the health care debate — Gov. Paul LePage — who continues to take a page on obstructionism. He lambasted Maine’s strong leaders from the Senate. He had the audacity to call them “dangerous.” But Mainers have come to know what the governor is most of the time — wrong yet again.

I thank Sens. Collins and King for their common-sense approach to ensure that Americans are not left behind in receiving health care. I appreciate that they believe the best way to govern is not to be obstructionist, verbose, arrogant and demeaning of the opposition.

I am one Maine citizen who thanks the senators from Maine.

Jackie Fournier, Mount Vernon

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