100 years ago, 1917
Hockey at Bates for the 1917-18 season is at last underway, and the rink on Lake Andrews has been set up and the ice cleared. As a result of Captain Duncan’s call for candidates, eighteen men have turned out and have been pushing the puck around and getting the feel of the ice. The real work of the year will not start until after the Christmas holidays, however, for as of yet no lights have been put in and material has not arrived. It is the plan of the association to sell tickets this year as last, no persons being allowed to use the ice without tickets. Manager Stevens has not yet arranged a schedule for the team, but all efforts will be made to secure as many games as possible for this winter.

50 years ago, 1967
A sharp-shooter, armed with bow and arrow (the arrow tipped with only a suction cup) carefully placed the arrow close to the heart of the friendly animal on the big sign at Bonneau’s Super Market on Lisbon Street sometime last night, perhaps trying to find out if it was a “bum steer.” Lewiston police were called in to attempt to determine the identity of Robin Hood.

25 years ago, 1992
St. Mary’s Regional Medical Center has begun an innovative new program — patient education television. Now, in addition to tuning into regularly scheduled network shows, St. Mary’s will provide patients access to a wide array of programs. These programs are designed to give the latest information concerning certain medical treatments or diseases, physical fitness and exercise. In addition, homemade videos, put together by the chefs at Campus Cuisine, will be available, demonstrating the art of cake decorating, garnishing and answering more serious needs such as label-reading and nutritional guidelines. “We are extremely excited by the possibilities open to us,” said Debi Warner, St. Mary’s health sciences librarian. “We will be on air from 7:30 a.m. through bedtime at 9:30 p.m. every day of the week. The service is free, so even people who opt not to pay for the network channels can enjoy our programming,” emphasized Warner.

The material in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors made at that time may be corrected.

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