DEAR SUN SPOTS: Here is my heartfelt story of gratitude to the Lisbon community:

I had an old American Standard furnace. After many years of upkeep and repairs, Old Faithful finally bit the dust on New Year’s Day! Three available local repairmen said, “This antique relic cannot be fixed. You need a new furnace!” 

With a fireplace, four electric radiator heaters strategically placed in ‘cold spots,’ and an Eden Pure in the basement, I was able to soldier on with no freeze-ups. Five cold days later, I called my neighbor, Aaron Gould, asking for any scrap wood for my fireplace. That Sunday, he relayed my crisis situation to his church members. Within two hours, Deacon Francis Riggs, Tony Mercier and Marty Campbell from Lisbon Falls United Baptist Church, arrived in two trucks with firewood and five bags of kindling. Before they departed, my benefactors and I held a prayer circle thanking Jesus and praying for continued help. Two cold days later, as I hear Lisbon Home Heating & Repair Company and Furrow and Son, banging away in the basement removing Old Faithful, I know our prayers were answered! I am sincerely grateful and thankful to all!

—Linda, Lisbon Falls 

ANSWER: Thank goodness for kind, generous neighbors. I’m so glad you stayed safe and warm and managed to get through this trial.

My furnace was down on New Year’s Eve and I spent my evening with a fine young man from Downeast Energy. The problem was only the igniter switch and the furnace was back in business before the clock struck 12!


DEAR SUN SPOTS: It appears that Harvest House restaurant in Farmington is closed. I have a gift certificate from there and was wondering if they are still honoring them and what I should do to get my money back. 

—No name, no town

ANSWER: Following is the information you are looking for, taken from the restaurant’s Facebook page dated Dec. 17:

“Thank you for your patronage. Boivin’s Harvest House Restaurant is no longer open for business. I was recently offered a new opportunity of employment with a food service distribution company and accepted the offer.

My wife and I would like to thank our dedicated employees (past and present) for helping us make Boivin’s Harvest House the success that it has been. We would also like to thank the huge following of loyal patrons through the past 11 years. Thank you to Calzolio Pasta Company in Wilton, Maine. They will honor any valid Harvest House gift card.

We have many fond memories of this restaurant and the people who have walked through our doors, but as one chapter in our lives ends, a new one begins with new dreams and goals. Thank you, Patrick & Chong Boivin, Owners/Boivin’s Harvest House Restaurant.”


DEAR SUN SPOTS: I’m writing to see if anyone is interested in these newspapers: “The Buccaneer” U.S. Naval Air Station, March 15, 1946; “The Mock-Up Extra,” Aug. 14, 1945; “The Naval Reservist,” Oct. 1946;  and “Stories of Bermuda Triangle” and “War Ends” stories.

 —No name, no town

ANSWER: Your local library may be able to help you decide what to do with these vintage publications. Give them a call!

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