TURNER — Homesteading classes will be offered through SAD 52 Adult Education.
The classes give students the opportunity to learn skills to live off the land and practice self-sufficiency. If interested in a class, register online anytime at www.msad52.maineadulted.org.
March classes include:
• Worm Composting, Tuesday, March 6;
• Home Cheese-Making, Monday and Tuesday, March 5 and 6;
• Chair Caning, Saturdays, March 3 and 10;
• Making Goat Milk Soap, Tuesdays, March 13 and 20;
• Shelter Design & Thermodynamic Principles, Thursday, March 15; and
• Water Chemistry & Primitive Purification, Thursday, March 29.
April classes include:
• Grow Your Own Organic Garden, Wednesday, April 4;
• Backyard Chicken Ranching, Saturday, April 7; and
• Rocket Stove Design and Friction Fire Techniques, Thursday, April 12.
May classes include:
• Pine Needle Basket Weaving, Friday, May 2;
• Common Spring Edible & Medicinal Plants; Thursday, May 10; and
• Free Alumni Harvest (Worm Composting), Wednesday, May 30.
Register at www.msad52.maineadulted.org.
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