100 years ago, 1918
Henry A. Free, food administrator for Androscoggin county, issued Wednesday morning a statement containing a bit of good news. Meat supplies for the next two or three weeks are considerably increased, so the restrictions in regard to eating meat are considerably lessened. The meatless daily meal and the porkless Saturday are no longer asked. All that is now desired is the beefless and porkless Tuesday, one day a week. But — and there is usually a “but” in these things, you know — it is suggested, in a general way, that even more strict economy be observed in the eating of bread-stuffs.

50 years ago, 1968
The sound of pounding hammers and groaning timbers being pried apart echoed through the Auburn police station today as the latest renovation project in the headquarters area got underway. Capt. Stanley E. Houston, who has done most of the work in the department in recent years, got an assist from Officer Richard Keene and the two began tearing out a partition to enlarge the office currently occupied by Gloria Wilkinson, the department’s clerk-matron.

25 years ago, 1993
The Auburn-Lewiston Municipal Airport will have a new computer after new Director Paul Karlowitz agreed to reduce most of his travel budget for the rest of the year. The board of directors approved the transfer of funds for a computer, printer and software, expected to be $1,700 to $1,800, from the current year’s budget before approving a $229,863 budget for July 1993 to June 1994, about $6,000 more than the current year’s budget.

The material in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors made at that time may be corrected.

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