Worship and praise service
LEWISTON — Bethel Christian Center of Lewiston will host worship and praise with the Rev. Nahimana Etienne from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. Sunday, March 25, at Calvary United Methodist Church, 59 Sabattus St.
The center holds regular Sunday services from 2 to 4 p.m. in the sanctuary of the Calvary United Methodist Church. Prayer Cell Groups will be organized throughout the week. All are welcome.
The center’s mission is to create a foundation for “one church many communities,” reaching beyond refugee and immigrant populations to encompass the community-at-large.
For more information, contact Etienne at 585-635-7480.
Afterlife of pets to be discussed
LEWISTON — Where pets will go after they pass away will be examined at Lifetree Cafe at 6 p.m. Thursday, March 29.
The program, titled “Do Good Dogs Go to Heaven? Questions About Animals and the Afterlife,” will feature a filmed interview with Dr. Kathleen Cooney, a veterinarian and founder of Home to Heaven, an in-home pet euthanasia service.
“For the most part, people believe their pets are going to ascend to heaven and the moment death occurs, the soul is gone,” Cooney says. “Others say dogs don’t think, they react to things, so how can they be in heaven? Everybody has their own opinion.”
Participants will have an opportunity to discuss the times they’ve had to face the death of a beloved pet. Admission to the 60-minute event is free. Lifetree Cafe is located at 1919 Lisbon Road.
Questions about Lifetree may be directed to Travis Burleigh at 207-783-3316 or travisburleigh@gmail.com.
Children’s Easter party planned
NORWAY — An Easter Party for Kids will be held from 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday, March 31, at the Second Congregational Church, 205 Main St. There will be a craft, snack, scavenger hunt and face-painting.
For information, call the church office at 207-743-2290.
Commandery service in Wilton
WILTON — Pilgrim Commandery 19, Knights Templar, will hold its annual Easter Service at 7:30 a.m. Sunday, April 1, at the Harnden Masonic Hall, Bryant Road, East Wilton, followed by breakfast.
Sir Knights and Master Masons are invited to attend along with their sons and grandsons. Donations will be accepted for the breakfast.
Church to sponsor 10-week program
NEW PORTLAND — The Western Mountains Baptist Church is offering a 10-week video curriculum on “Biblical and Modern Perspectives Impacting Israel.” Classes will be held at 6:30 p.m. Mondays, beginning April 2.
Each week there will be a 30-minute video followed by discussion on what was presented. Learn the history of Israel from Biblical times to modern reality. Jim and Brenna Cockerham, members of WMBC, will lead and facilitate the class. Christians United for Israel is the sponsoring organization of the course.
The program is free and it is open to the public. For more information, call the church at 207-265-2557 or email pastorwmbc@gmail.com.
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