I read Rich Lowry’s column (March 31) attacking student activists with a mixture of disgust and frustration — not just because of his calculated, cynical criticism of young people who have proven brave, articulate and motivated enough to actually prompt a national debate that is decades overdue — but because of his own place in a toxic media ecosystem.

Lowry is a reliable mouthpiece for right-wing talking points. As a Fox News analyst and National Review editor, he has years of practice stoking public fears on social and political issues in service of a reactionary, pro-corporate agenda.

In a time when Sinclair Media — the largest owner and operator of local television stations —  is enforcing scripted commentary from anchors and pushing “must run” spin masquerading as trusted local news, the public desperately needs independent, truly local sources.

There are plenty of engaged, thoughtful Mainers who could weigh in on current issues in this state, region and nation. I have read the Sun Journal since I was a kid, and it is long past time to jettison Lowry and his syndicated propaganda.

Ana Rothschild, New Portland

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