100 years ago, 1918
Michael Ryan, the Bates graduate who is making a success of farming on Park Avenue, was one of the enthusiastic patrons of the 1917 public markets. He says he will increase his acreage to ten this season and intends to feature his produce at these public markets in Auburn and Lewiston. If present plans work out there will be such public markets somewhere in either Lewiston or Auburn every morning of the week … except Sundays, of course.
50 years ago, 1968
An Auburn city official said today that the recent failure of the Department of Transportation to allocate any funds at all for the Auburn-Lewiston Municipal Airport will hold up development of the airport for at least a couple of years. City Engineer-Planner Arthur Clark. who has been deeply involved in airport affairs, said that a new application will have to be filed and funding for this may not be available for at least another year. How come? “I don’t understand why Portland was the only Maine airport to get any money. What happened to all the other projects including our own?” Clark wants to know. 
25 years ago, 1993
Bates College professor David Aschauer addressed the annual meeting of the Lewiston-Auburn Economic Growth Council Wednesday about the long-term economic benefits of increasing investments to the nation’s infrastructure and education. Aschauer believes that in order for the nation’s economy to improve the government needs to spend more money on programs that help fund education and support investment in the country’s infrastructure. He said the benefits from improvements in these areas will “spill over” to the private sector and help the nation’s economy.
The material in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors made at that time may be corrected.

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