AUBURN — The Maine Writers & Publishers Alliance (MWPA) has announced an upcoming workshop on the process of publishing a young-adult (YA) or middle grade manuscript, from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Saturday, July 7, at the Auburn Public Library. The workshop is taught by award-winning author Elizabeth Atkinson.

The workshop, “Now What?” will guide participants through the next steps after completing a YA or middle grade novel, from polishing a manuscript to querying agents to creating an online platform. Atkinson wrote the 2016 novel, “The Island of Beyond” and is a two-time winner of the Gold Moonbeam Award, among many other honors.

The MWPA offers one full scholarship for this workshop. Advance registration is required to attend. For more information, visit the MWPA website at Questions may be directed to 207-228-8263 or

Elizabeth Atkinson (Kevin Bennett photo)

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