Freedom of the press is guaranteed to Americans by the First Amendment. Countries run by dictators such as Kim Jong Un, Vladimir Putin, President Zi Jinping and President Hassan Rouhani don’t allow freedom of the press. Citizens are not allowed to criticize their leader and the government controls the news.

President Trump admires dictators and once stated that he would like to be president for life. He has also said that he would like to be treated the way North Koreans treat Kim Jong Un.

Trump likes to rant about “fake news” but he is mistaken about the mainstream media in America. The press “tells it like it is,” exposing corrupt politicians and other wrongdoing. Their articles are based on evidence and fact checking ensures that the news is accurate. If the press gets something wrong, they publicly correct their error. Numerous sites, such as, also check statements.

Past American presidents have spoken freely with the press and treated reporters respectfully. The current president encourages his supporters to abuse the press through his constant criticism and use of the misleading term “fake news.”

Anyone who tries to interfere with the press and the justice system is trying to hide the truth. A president who lies and rages about “fake news” may be concealing activities that are illegal or immoral.

Honest people value the mainstream media — a vital part of our American way of life.

If someone says that they do not trust the media, people should not trust that person.

Ellen Field, New Gloucester

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