To the Editor:

Let go of President Trump and let’s worry about our own community.  Our town has issues of its own.  When we can’t control our own town, how do we think we can control this country?  We all have our own opinions  about right and wrong but does anyone really know for sure?  In my opinion, President Trump has done as much for this country as any recent president has.  Nobody’s perfect and mistakes were made by other presidents as well but knobby ran them down constantly.  Want to do some
real good, let’s try giving him a little support.  The wall he wants to build is a good thing.  We have people in our country that are homeless and hungry.  Shouldn’t we be caring for them before we bring a bunch of others into our country?  People on Social Security and Disability got cost of living raises two years in a row and that was a good thing.  As a town and nation, isn’t it time we start showing him as much respect as we would any other president?

Jacqueline Crockett

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