To the Editor:

I am pleased to have incited some controversial dialogue in regard to the  detrimental effect that the questionably legitimate Donald Trump presidency is now having on the realm of true democracy.
In one case I have to believe that respect is only bestowed on those deserving of it, and as President of The United State Donald Trump fails miserably to qualify for it.
In another case it is obvious that there are those whose concept of reality has been compromised by the alternative facts disseminated by Trump’s sanitation department    “Fox News”. It has been factually proven that Russia interceded in this nations 2016 election process on behalf of Donald Trump and is obviously poised to do so again in the 2020 election.
As far as Bill and Hillary Clinton are concerned, they are no longer a factor in the governing structure of this nation and are referred to only as a distraction to Donald Trump’s illicit endeavors.
Again I welcome and applaud (truthful) enlightenment as to where I am in anyway factually amiss in this presentation.
Don Chase

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