LEWISTON — For the third year in a row, Gypsy Lew Theater Co. and the Lewiston Public Library are coming together to bring Shakespeare in the Plaza with a free production of “As You Like It!”

This delightful and hilarious tale begins when Rosalind, the daughter of a banished duke, falls in love with Orlando, the disinherited son of one of the duke’s friends. However, when she is banished from the court by her usurping uncle, she takes on the appearance of a boy, calling herself Ganymede, and flees with her cousin Celia and the jester Touchstone to the Forest of Arden, where her father and his friends live in exile. This comedy, set in the groovy 1970s, follows the group of banished and runaway misfits who find love, friendship and themselves in the forest of Arden.

Bring blankets and chairs for a free show at 7 p.m. Thursday through Sunday, Aug. 22 to 25, in Dufresne Plaza. In the event of rain, performances will be in Callahan Hall at the Lewiston Public Library.

To learn more details about the cast and crew visit the Facebook page at: https://tinyurl.com/y3tpbhbp.

Sean Senior as Touchstone, Savannah Irish as Celia, and Mary Randall as Rosalind.

Owen Kane as Charles the Wrestler, Mike Hudson as Silvius, Dalton Kimball as Orlando, Sean Senior as Touchstone (top, on railing), Mary Randall as Rosalind, Josh Brassard as Jaques, Savannah Irish as Celia, Myra Diehl as Oliver.

Sean Senior as Touchstone, Savannah Irish as Celia and Mary Randall as Rosalind.

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