Over the last few weeks, I have spoken with many of my fellow residents of Rangeley. I have had some great conversations, caught up with old friends and made new ones. While many have different viewpoints about the proposed marijuana ordinance, one thing was consistent: we all care deeply about our town. Given that we all want what is best for Rangeley, it is important that the discussion remains above the fray and based in facts. Misinformation, whether purposeful or not, has spread through town. Opponents of allowing marijuana establishments in town warn of marijuana shops on every corner. This could not be further from the truth. The proposed ordinance does not allow for marijuana establishments in the village or downtown. No stores will be allowed on Main St. between Loon Lake Road and Depot Street. In addition to responsible zoning, there are additional regulations to preserve Rangeley’s character. Marijuana establishments must be 1,000 ft from schools and 350 ft from churches and licensed daycares. On-site and public consumption is strictly prohibited, and odor must be mitigated. By allowing marijuana businesses here, we have an opportunity to show how tight-knit communities can responsibly regulate marijuana and protect public safety. Adults who choose to use marijuana, a substance safer than alcohol, should not have to drive 45 minutes to legally purchase it. Adults who want to participate in our state’s new industry should not have to drive 45 minutes to start a small business. Marijuana has been legal in our state since 2016 and it is time to start treating adults like adults. I humbly and respectfully ask you to vote Yes on Rangeley’s marijuana ordinance.

Luke Sirois


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