Kyle Campbell, 21, of Freeport escaped injury Thursday night when the Subaru he was driving went off Route 4 and rolled onto its roof in Sandy River Plantation, Franklin County Sheriff Scott Nichols Sr. said. Rangeley Fire Rescue photo

SANDY RIVER PLANTATION  — A 20-pound hand weight came inches from hitting 21-year-old Kyle Campbell’s head Thursday night in a vehicle rollover on Route 4, Rangeley Fire Rescue Capt. Jonny Wakefield said Friday.

The Freeport driver lost control of the 2007 Subaru, which went off the highway and rolled onto its roof, Franklin County Sheriff Scott Nichols Sr. said in a report.

As a result, a 20-pound weight in the back of the vehicle got wedged between the top of the driver’s seat and the headrest, Wakefield said.

“If the weight came through another few inches it would have struck his head,” he said.

Campbell was not hurt, Nichols said.

Deputy Alec Frost responded to the crash, reported at 8:17 p.m.

Franklin County Sheriff’s Office and Rangeley Fire Rescue were assisted by Rangeley Police Department and NorthStar EMS ambulance, Wakefield said.

A 20-pound hand weight is wedged between the top of the driver’s seat and the headrest of Kyle Campbell’s upside-down Subaru in Sandy River Plantation. It came inches from hitting the 21-year-old Freeport driver. Rangeley Fire Rescue photo

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