100 Years Ago: 1920

New uniforms are being ordered for the Lewiston police department. Besides changes in minor details, the collar of the coat is to be cut on the military style, such as are on the present uniforms of the chief and captains.

50 Years Ago: 1970

Health Officer Shirley Schneider, R.N., said today that 103 youngsters were inoculated  against smallpox and 83  recerved DPT immunization. Mrs. Schneider termed the clinic ‘‘a highly successful one” and noted that the next one is scheduled for Apr. 23. at which time the oral polio vaccine will be administered. She said about 400 registrations have already been accepted for this clinic.

25 Years Ago: 1995

Eight Maine senators are looking for girls from their districts who are interested in spending Take Our Daughters to work Day,  April 27, at the State House. State senators Susan Longley, Chellie Pingree, Sean Faircloth, John O’Dea, Bev Bustin, Mark Lawrence, Jill Goldthwait, and John Cleveland have volunteered to host girls from their districts at the state House on Take Our Daughters to Work Day. During that day, girls will have the opportunity to tour the State House, talk with their senator about his or her job, attend a committee meeting and the House or Senate in session that day.

The material used in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors may be corrected.

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