Spruce Mountain Middle School held a promotion parade for grade eight students moving on to the high school Tusday, June 16. Grade eight social studies teacher Chris Sagner and physical education instructor Erica Grimaldi prepared envelopes for the promotion. Submitted photo

JAY — A drive through promotion was held 6 p.m. Tuesday, June 16, for Spruce Mountain Middle School grade eight students moving on to the high school. The teachers and students hadn’t seen each other since March 13 after classroom instruction was halted due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Students sat on the passenger side of their vehicle. As they approached the drive up area in front of the school near the podium, Amanda Gage-Croll announced awards and promotion for each student.

Grade eight students at SMMS were treated to a promotion parade Tuesday, June 16. Principal Greg Henderson, second from right, and Chris Holligsworth at right get prepared to present at and live stream the event. Teachers in the background would distribute award/promotion envelopes. Submitted photo

Principal Greg Henderson handed each student their promotion/award envelope. Students remained in their car.

Regional School Unit 73 Curriculum Coordinator Chris Hollingsworth livestreamed the event on the district’s website. The video is posted on the district’s Facebook page. Parents and students could listen on their vehicle’s radio as they waited their turn to drive to the podium area. Music teacher Dan Labonte volunteered to set up and run the broadcast for the event.

Vehicles filled with parents and students lined up for the SMMS grade eight promotion Tuesday, June 16. Approximately 75 families attended. Submitted photo

Volunteers set up and decorated the area. Staff volunteered to line cars up at the elementary school. They used walkie-talkies to announce from the starting position to the podium who was next to receive awards.

Staff volunteers also coordinated getting the envelopes to Gage-Croll and Henderson as the students approached. Staff were also placed around the high school.


After receiving awards, parents and students in the cars traveled around the high school and lined up behind seventh grade math and science teacher Scott Hartford on his Harley Davidson motorcycle. When every student had received their award, the line of vehicles followed Hartford on a cruise into town. The grade eight teachers were at the top of the hill watching, cheering, and waving to all of their students as they drove by.

The grade eight team included Gage-Croll, Jayne Flagg (her husband John helped), Denise Acritelli, Rachel Toner, Rob Taylor, Chris Sagner, Julie Taylor, Michelle Moffet, Erica Grimaldi, Dianne Fenlason and Dan Labonte.

Other staff assisting were Pat Breton, Dianna Pomereau, Debbie Lemire, Janet Daigle, Bernadette Bessey, Colleen Shink, Janet Ventrella, Jen Baker, Michelle Grimbalis, Scott Hartford and Jackie Kilbreth. Dean of students/athletic director Craig Collins and social worker Catherine Siggens attended to wish the students well.

Staff lined the outside walkway 10 feet apart to social distance and cheer on the students. Those staff working near the podium with envelopes social distanced and wore masks.

The promotion was considered a marvelous success. The grade eight team was determined to create an event that offered the opportunity not only to see the students again safely, but to congratulate them on transitioning to the high school.

The team would like to thank all of the volunteers  and the parents and students for taking part in such a wonderful evening.

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