LOVELL — September!  Already, so soon –where did the summer go and why doesn’t winter flee as fast?  As I write to you the sun is shining warmly, the animals are grazing on the grass, the rooster is crowing.  They are all doing what they do best.  Isn’t that what is asked of us – to do our best?

September – The Covid 19 virus is still with us.  Life has changed because of this pandemic but we are all still in the arms of God.  This is the beginning of a school year. Please pray for our children that they may remain safe and secure in the midst of this ever-changing time. Pray that they may eagerly learn and discover new things either at home or at school.  Please pray for our teachers that they remain healthy and safe and eager to teach either at a distance or in the classroom.

As church worship returns to its later time of 10:30, we are still wearing masks and keeping distance. Our bell choir has stepped up to the challenge of playing once a month while our singing voices remain silent.  (We do hum, however.)  Our small church continues its outreach and ministry through the Thrift Shop (open Wednesday and Saturday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.), take out suppers, and sending food and support to those in need of a boost. All our committees will resume after their August break. Our lives as a congregation have changed in the way we do things, but we continue to serve in the name of Christ supporting each other along the way.  I pray that our lives are full of the Spirit and that we are able to hear those whispers and nudges of God.

Our Sunday School classes will resume on September 13th for children ages Pre-K through grade 5. More information next month about our Youth Group for grades 6-12. We’re starting the year off remotely with lesson bags available for pick up on Wednesday each week. We have three teachers that will rotate leading a class each Sunday at 9:00 am via Zoom. Please call 925-1321 or email if your child would like to participate. We will need the following information: Child’s name, address, age, e-mail address, and phone number

However, maybe now is the time for each of us to pause and consider all the gifts of God that surround us today.  I find myself often needing to take a deep breath and pause to take in these gifts and to be thankful.  This is a good time to discover, or rediscover, who we are and what we like to do the best.

I shared this poem once before and I offer it to you again.


All I really have to do

is listen.

God, the Holy One, will speak.

I will know when it is right to move

and which direction to take.

In the meantime,


just listen.

Listen to the words and to the silence.

Enjoy the journey as it unfolds today.

Enter into preparation with expectancy.

Be assured that God is with us all the way.

May God bless you all richly,
Pastor Lois

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