It doesn’t look like we’ll be out of the woods with COVID-19 for quite a while.  We’re all very concerned about our health, as well as that of our loved ones and those across the world.  We’re also distressed about the many ways our lives have changed.  The Bethel Region Age-Friendly Community Initiative hopes our friends are taking care of themselves, both physically and mentally.  We have absorbed the role of the Bethel Area Neighborhood Response team and are working to respond to identified needs of our neighbors.  We’ve developed a new phone-call outreach program to help those who are experiencing loneliness or stress; to request calls, you may email or call our response number (207-824-4444).

If you’re like me, you’re not getting around town much these days.  There are several items AFCI can email you if you wish – for instance, our new flyer of current services and our Resource Directory of local and statewide services.  (both also on our website:

How’re you doing on all those fall chores?  Here’s a deal!  On Saturday, November 1, Telstar’s Interact students would like to help adults 65 and older in our community by raking leaves, stacking wood, taking loads to the dump, or putting gardens to bed for the winter (following all COVID safety precautions).  Interact is Rotary International’s service club for young people ages 12 to 18.  Help our students earn Community Service credits. To request a service on November 1, contact Telstar Interact: or 207-751-1773.

Congratulations to those who have already voted – either early in person or by mail.  If you have not and still have questions, you may visit “How to Vote in Maine’s 2020 Election: What You Need to Know” (

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been very worried about whether or not I can be with my loved ones for Thanksgiving and Christmas this year. AARP quotes Anthony Fauci on the subject:

AARP has advice for you 10,000-step-workout people.  Scientific studies have distinguished between “What’s marketing, and what’s medical research”? (

Good news for musicians – or even those who just love listening to music:  AARP suggests that “If you want to do something good for your brain, turn on your music player and sing along to a few songs. Better yet, sing and dance at the same time.”  (

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