WEST PARIS — As we all adjust our lives in these times, it is important to nurture our wellbeing, and to be part of a caring community – even though we need to distance ourselves – and it is important to many to nurture our spiritual wellbeing. Join us on Sundays at 9:00 a.m. for spirit-lifting, contemplative, timely, inspiring topics. We are observing safety practices of wearing masks and social distancing. We are not singing during the hymns, but we are uplifted by the music of Tom Coolidge.

November 8, “Resistance, Rescue, and Accountability During the Holocaust in France” presented by guest speaker, Marcel Polak. Active resistance during the German Occupation and Vichy government in France supported the individual and group rescue of thousands of Jews, while tragically France and Germany were engaged in crimes against humanity.

Marcel will weave his parents’ personal family history of death and rescue with historical information about the French government’s anti-semitism that led to the murder of almost 75,000 Jews, including thousands of children.

His focus will be not only on who rescued, but the often complex factors, especially for groups, that compelled people to risk their lives to save strangers. He will also discuss what happened after the war to hold Vichy officials and Nazis accountable.

Marcel lives in Woodstock with his wife, Emily Ecker.

November 15, “Beyond Comprehension” led by The Reverend Fayre Stephenson. Spirituality has been defined as,” the experience of holy presence in our lives.” It is a moment of truth – a time of spiritual connection. We religious liberals may both seek and resist such moments of truth. At this service we’ll consider our quest for a spirituality grounded in reason.


November 22, “A Concept of Faith” as viewed by this octogenarian in this year 2020, led by The Reverend Fred Jordan. This year 2020 poses for most of us concerns, hopes, and fears about our daily activities, future, relatives, friends, neighbors and responsibilities. This aging ordained interfaith minister and physician is no exception. During this service Rev. Jordan will share his general concept of “faith”, and a more specific picture of his own spiritual working view of faith. This is an uncertain time during which we all are searching for hope, progress, and stability. There may be time at the end of Rev. Jordan’s sermon for an exchange of ideas.

November 29, “The Marrying Minister of Norway” led by The Reverend Fayre Stephenson. The Reverend Caroline Angell, known as “The Marrying Minister of Norway,” was minister of First Universalist Church of Norway from 1884 to 1905. She was a beloved minister , a prominent Oxford County citizen, and the Norway Church’s longest serving minister. What can we learn today from her amazing legacy?

November has traditionally been the time for the First Universalist Church of West Paris annual Chicken Pie Supper fundraiser, which has been canceled this year. However, the church is still holding the fundraiser with ordering in advance and picking the pies up. This will take place sometime in January, so watch for details. In the meantime, the church is currently having a Dessert Pie fundraiser. Pies are $15 and the selection includes apple, blueberry, pumpkin and rhubarb. Order by November 21 and pick up on November 25. Contact Marta Clements at the phone or email below.

For more information about the church and services, please contact Marta Clements, 674-2143, mclements96894@roadrunner.com, or Bob Clifford at 674-3442, bobarlen@megalink.net. To learn more about the Unitarian-Universalist Association, visit http://www.uua.org/.

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