NEWRY — Tuesday, selectman unanimously approved purchasing a new phone system through Central Maine Communications Technology Group.

The approved motion includes authorizing Town Administrator Amy Bernard to sign a contract with CMC Technology.

The system will cost a little more than $1,100 to set up, according to Bernard. Bernard said the monthly cost of the service would be $143.95.

In other news, Selectman Gary Wight said moving forward town officials should try and check-in with elderly Newry residents whenever a power outage occurs. Wight said he reached out to one resident during the most recent outage, but wants to contact more residents moving forward.

Bernard agreed with Wight, and added that it is super important to do check-ins this time of year because of the cold temperatures.

Selectman briefly listed off certain residents they want to do check-in’s for if another outage were to happen.


Wight suggested that officials discuss a more in-depth plan for future power outages at their next meeting.

The meeting was the first for newly elected Selectman Dave Bartlett, who was voted in last week by residents.

Bartlett also announced his resignation from the SAD 44 board.




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