President Biden has signed more executive orders than the last five presidents combined: 25 so far. Most of them are to undo former President Trump’s achievements. I call this “vindictive abuse of power.”

Here are just a few examples:

* Stopping the border wall, losing jobs. What is he thinking?

* Putting a stop to the Keystone Pipeline project; thousands of jobs lost. The U.S. was energy independent. We may now again be forced to deal with countries that hate us. All hypocrites who cry climate change is needed should look under their own hood, and get rid of their private jets, yachts and multiple mansions.

* Cancelling Trump’s plan on opioid treatment drugs.

* Willing to pay for abortions abroad as well as here. I thought he was supposed to be a devout Catholic?


* Peace agreements and sanctions with troubled countries lifted.

I cannot list all the ridiculous orders; space is not allowed in this letter.

To all who are misinformed, blame biased news media and publications. They are all in bed with the left who, I believe, are leading us down the path of socialism, and I don’t like it. Why are so many ” blind” to this possibility? Misinformed.

It is my opinion that some of our leaders in DC (all parties) are in to serve themselves. Their hands are in the cookie jars up to their elbows. Term limits are due. But guess who votes for that? They do.

Joan Villani, Lewiston

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