The Bad Guys
By Aaron Blabey

I needed a lift, so I picked up The Bad Guys, a graphic novel by Aaron Blabey.  With few words and lots of buggy eyes and sharp teeth, this book will make you laugh. Mr. Wolf is tired of being a bad guy.
He wants to change his reputation and he is taking some friends with him. Will they be able to do it?

We all have a little bad guy inside us who doesn’t always want to do what is expected. We all have memories of pestering our brothers and sisters. They make the best stories. We like reading about
mischievous characters who get into trouble and come out being better for it.

Real evil is nothing to laugh at, but these characters with their vicious eating habits trying to cooperate are. They come in a series, so you will have more to look forward to.  The Badness will continue.

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